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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
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Company | ZyXEL Communications Co. | TEL | 886-3-5783942 | FAX | 886-3-5786854 | E-MAIL | lchen@zyxel.com.tw | WEB SITE | www.zyxel.com | CONTENTS | History will show the Internet revolution to be the most peaceful and widespread in human history. As businesses and individuals spend more and more time online, the high-speed broadband market is growing by leaps and bounds. Extra bandwidth has made multimedia applications on the Internet, such as e-commerce, m-commerce, P-to-P, B-to-B, video-conferencing, distance learning, interactive entertainment applications, not yet thought of, acronyms not yet strung, all possible. Increased bandwidth feeds bandwidth-hungry applications that in turn drive demand for yet more increased bandwidth. It's a perpetual cycle dragging us into the 21st century kicking, screaming and yahooing all the way to a truly connected world! | PRODUCTS