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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | WINSTAR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. | TEL | 886-2-2695-9291 | FAX | 886-2-2695-5498 | E-MAIL | winstar@ms12.hinet.net | WEB SITE | www.winstartek.com.tw | CONTENTS | Winstar Technology Co., Ltd., was founded in 1985, and headquartered at the Da Hu Science Park, Shi-Chih City, Taipei County. Since its initial debut, the company has been dedicating in Digital Image Processing, Real Time Automation Inspection System with in-house research and development efforts made to perfect a series of automated and continued web on-line inspection and screening equipment.
The company offers a comprehensive line of screening products, ranging from the earlier days' color micro-image analysis system– the LV-2 Plus, which is intended to support micro-cellular configuring calibration analysis; the metallurgical microscopic image analysis –the LV-M, which is intended to support metallurgical material bonding analysis; the Poly Scan-2000 universal image inspection system, which is intended to support precision dimensional calibration, component defects, as well as optical scanning and density analysis on backlight panels and polarized sheets. | PRODUCTS