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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | EIN ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD. | TEL | 886-2-86883228 | FAX | 886-2-86881973 | E-MAIL | ein.heater@msa.hinet.net | WEB SITE | www.ein.com.tw | CONTENTS | Since 1974, the company EIN has been developing and producing industrial heating elements. The company is located in Taipei.
We have twenty six years experience and research in production of HIGH WATT DENSITY CARTRIDGE HEATER.
Our technical staff are at your disposal to supply you with a high tech product. EIN Electric Company Ltd. war founded by 1974 Hsu , President in1974 to manufacture electric heating elements for a wick range of industrial, commerical, scientific and medical applications.
Dyring the Company's early years , Mr. HSU made a comment to an ongoing program for the research and development of new and improved products , thus broadening our product line on a tearly basis in order to ratisty the deversified market area in which varione typer of heating elements are need. Today we manufacture heating elements for hundreds of applications in thousands of design varations. | PRODUCTS