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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | DJ Solar Co., Ltd., Taichung Branch Offi | TEL | 04-24608058 | FAX | 04-24608059 | E-MAIL | yan189189@gmail.com | WEB SITE | www.dajing.com.tw/tw/ | CONTENTS | Responding the global warming and over-exploitation of fossil resources which impact seriously the climate change, photovoltaic technology has become the mainstream of the alternative energy in the 21 century. Solar energy provides advantages like reduction of carbon dioxide to improve the glass house effect 2007. With the core value for green energy development DJ Solar Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 in Taoyuan county Taiwan. The business fields are divided in two units, one in Photovoltaic and the other in green lighting.
Main marketing tasks are participating domestic rooftop and public power plant projects as well as promoting our high quality panels in the USA, Canada, Europe and South Asian market.
As a growing enterprise and a part of the supply chain our vision is insisting our management philosophy in professional skill, integrity, creativity and sustainability to contribute a positive impact to our global environment and protect our mother earth.