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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | Din Yi Industrial Co., Ltd. | TEL | 886-2-26862432 | FAX | 886-2-26872579 | E-MAIL | dinyi@iris.seed.net.tw | WEB SITE | www.dinyi.ttnet.net | CONTENTS | Din Yi Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 1986. And specialized in making all kinds of CATV adaptors and connectors in Taiwan. Today the cable TV system has been enter to our house and become a part of our life exactly such as new information obtained, recreational programs for
watch etc. all can be provided from CATV system. In here the most important purpose of CATV coaxial cable connectors in system is to transport information data as efficiently
as practical from head end to the end user, thus the cable's connectors electrical characteristics isn't stable at the operating frequency range will related to the quality of singal clear or not received by user | PRODUCTS