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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | Giga-Byte Technology Co., Ltd. | TEL | 886-2-89124888 | FAX | 886-2-89124003 | E-MAIL | jason.huang@gigabyte.com.tw | WEB SITE | www.gigabyte.com.tw/ | CONTENTS | On the doorstep of the new millennium, people are yearning for new perspectives, new life styles, and more important, better solutions. Being a key player in the global marketplace, GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY not only has the ambition to grow into the world's best motherboard maker, but is also equipped with the momentum to provide quality solutions to the demands of today's customers, and thus is able to keep pace with a constantly changing market.
With a strong base of R&D resource and excellent manufacturing capability, the prominent PC motherboard maker GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY is now ready to progress into a field even closer to our future lifestyle. We believe that new communication technologies create great opportunities for both the business and our customers. In order to seize this crucial opportunity, we have set up new business sections as a first step for actualizing our commitment to better solutions for customers.