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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | Chang Way Industries Co., Ltd. | TEL | 886-2-26813608 | FAX | 886-2-26834812 | E-MAIL | chianwei@ms34.hinet.net | WEB SITE | www.changway.com/ | CONTENTS | Since its foundation in 1972, Chang Way Co. has consistently designed and produced kinds of punching and pressing items for computer and communication industries and specialized in the moulding opening and high-tek production technology. Chang Way Co. has also consistently pursued innovation through the concepts of advanced management, initiative and a basis belief in unsurpassed quality. Chang Way Co. demands professionalism from its working team, both technically and in work habits; standardized product quality and comprehensive service. To expand its product base, Chang Way Co. has done its best to research & develop high precision products to meet the customers demands. To maintain a everlasting business is the basic concept our business managements. | PRODUCTS