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EEchain Optronics Corp.

6F., No.105
Lide St.,
Jhonghe District 235

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Aglobe Technology is famous for its DRAM module,flash card, card reader, MP3, MP4, skype phone. We can do OEM/ODM for our customers all over the world.
AGON-Tech is devoted to the LED application product industry as a professional OEM/ODM manufacturer.
We welcome all OEM/ODM projects - we have the experience, capability, and R&D resources to make any OEM/OEM integration a glowing success. Product quality is always our first priority and also our commitment to customers.
We are also an ISO-9001:2000 certified supplier of outdoor full color LED video display, LED message sign, LED bus destination sign and LED traffic light.
We invite you to join as our partner, OEM/ODM business are most welcomed, look forward to serving you in the near future.
Agora Digital Corp. Established in 1989, is a leading manufacture of Multimedia add on cards, Digital Card reader, in Taiwan and will be become to a public listed company in 2005. Being emphasized on innovative design with advanced hi-tech chip utilization. Agora offers a complete line of Digital storage, Digital Sound, Digital Video, Digital Communication, USB peripherals and IA products
Also enterprise co., ltd.
ANCHER TECHNOLOGY, INC. since her establishment in 1998, Ancher has been actively delivering services and products to quality critical industries of automobiles, semiconductor manufacturing fabs and now industrial controls. Our solid expertise has since covered a wide range of spectrum: from single-chips with assembly programming to RISC platforms with Linux operating system and sophisticated software architectures; from circuits and firmware to CPLD and complete enclosure designs.

We focus on the development and manufacturing of Embedded Control Products :
1. HVAC&R (Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration) control products for buildings and automotives, including: standalone and networking thermostats, humidistat, sensor reading transmitters, setters, and various HVAC&R controllers;
2. Linux-on-chip products, including: product development platforms of embedded Linux, NAS (network attached storage), and protocol gateway for control applications.

Animation Technologies Inc.,
Animation Technologies Inc., established in OCT. 1990, has been dedicated in Multimedia and Video products for more than 10 years. Our positive attitudes and aggressive spirits towards innovative technologies consistently drive us to play a leading role in this field. Nowadays, "LifeView" has becomes a well-known brand name worldwide.
Aopen inc.
AOpen continues as the company of choice for PC components and peripherals in the distribution channel. We are an established market leader, from motherboards to monitors, to multimedia add-on cards, and more. We offer the most extensive PC product line in the industry. With AOpen products you are guaranteed the latest in technology development at competitive prices. And because AOpen controls design and manufacturing, from the drawing board to the finished product, the quality of that product is ensured. In fact, every one of Acer's ten worldwide manufacturing plants meets the strictest ISO-9001standards.
Aplus Technics Co., Ltd.
As the role of the manufacturers changes, mass production capability, and the demanding responsiveness in the information technology industry have made this country one of the key OEM/ODM suppliers in the world. Thus, the major goal Aplus is to provide exclusive IT OEM/ODM products and real-time industrial services to our clients worldwide. Aplus also seeks to establish strategic alliance with our direct suppliers to stabilize resources, to lower production cost, and to provide satisfactory products.
Artificial Pallax Electronics Corp,
APEC(Artificial Pallax Electronics Corp,.), founded in 1995, is one of the world's leading companies in the design and production of 3D related software and hardware such as 3D game, 3D image authoring tool, 3D interlacing driver, 3D LC shutter glasses, 3D video camera system,. 3D TV system, 3D projecting system and 3D screen filter. APEC is currently focusing on ODM/OEM business and supplying its products to several famous vendors, like ASUS, AOpen, ADi and Joytech in Taiwan and IO Data, Tomen and LET'S Corp in Japan. Due to the marketing demand, APEC has recently developed the world first one PC based 3D arcade machine, portable 3D laser projector and eyewear free 3D monitor. It is always APEC's belief that the best way to do business is to provide the leading edge technology and the best value solutions at highest quality to all our customers.
Asense Technology Co., Ltd.
A SENSE Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and exporter of fax / modems and a line of multimedia products. Established in 1990, the company has grown to employ 50 people and sees a yearly sales figure of US $ 38 million.
The cornerstone to Asense's success is their commitment to quality control. Also a major concern to comply is customer service. To the company, quality control and customer service make a win in combination. Yearly sales affirm this philosophy.
Based in Taipei, Taiwan, Asiamajor Inc. designs and markets award-winning, digital video application products for video professionals and enthusiasts, and positions itself as a video communication expert. Asiamajor's V-Gear, Cinemaker and 3DBank products combine innovative hardware and software designs to set new standards in performance, functionality and reliability. For more information contact Asiamajor at (+886) 2 8712 6599 or visit their Web site at
Assmann electronic gmbh taiwan branch.
ASSMANN has made its name as a producer and distributor of high-quality components for the electronic industry. To meet the increasing inquiries of the market, computer and network products were added step by step to the assortment. This variety of products is required to excel in both sectors. For this reason the company was separated into two divisions in 1994. One division is responsible for electronic components and heatsinks the other is offering cable assemblies and a whole range of computer and network peripherals.
ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (ASUS) was established on April 1st, 1989. Since then ASUS is devoted in providing Leading Edge Technology and Best Value Solutions at highest quality to all our customers. In both 1996 and 1997, we have been ranked No.1 in business performance among the top 500 manufacturers in Taiwan. In 1998, ASUS continues to rank No.1 in the Far East and No.18 Worldwide for "The World's Best-Performance Information Technology Companies" as shown in Business Week, Nov. 1998.
Avermedia Technologies Inc.
AVerMedia Technologies is a global player in the design and manufacture of Presentation and Multimedia Products for PC and Mac Platform. Founded in 1990, AVerMedia's ideology has remained the same - to turn advanced technology into innovative commercial products at an affordable price range to consumers worldwide. Our latest invention, AVerEPack, is the world first digital slide presenter. This simple concept has led AVerMedia to win several prestigious awards worldwide. In 1997, we were proud to become a public listed company in Taiwan.

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